Quality Assurance

Our experts assure you the highest quality products

The first priority for us, a fabless company, has been and always is the ultimate in quality. To ensure that quality products are provided to our customers, we are committed to ever-lasting high standard of our products. We do not consign services of quality assurance to outsourced manufacturer. Instead, our in-house specialists initiate the activity with great enthusiasm.

Three Features

  • Emphasis on quality assurance in developing products

    Emphasis on quality assurance in developing products

    In order to manufacture quality products, our Development staff, together with Quality Assurance specialists, double-check excellence of quality starting at the designing point. From setting-up a best-before date to selecting analysis lists, we establish product specifications for our customers to do business with a sense of confidence. Health food pertains to wide-ranged rules and regulations to which we refer in developing on a product sample basis and assure its compliance with the related legislations.

  • Regular inspection and surveillance at our contract manufacturers for quality assurance

    Regular inspection and surveillance at our contract manufacturers for quality assurance

    We select a contract manufacturer that we deem most appropriate to meet the customer’s specific needs for the product. Approach to quality administration varies depending on the contract manufacturer. Accordingly, our quality assurance staff conduct inspection and surveillance regularly at the contractor. In case any problematic issues are found at the inspection, the staff give guidance for prompt improvement. Thus, the product manufactured by a contractor without any problems is provided to our customer at the end.

  • クレーム防止策の徹底と迅速な対応

    Thorough preventive measures against claims and prompt response

    Assuming probable claims at the time of product development, our development and quality assurance team makes validity assessment of the product. However, once a claim is brought to our attention, we conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause without delay. Based on the result of the investigation, we take preventive measures against recurrence. As to a grave case, the Integrated Quality Counsel under the President’s direct supervision is authorized to take care of the claim.

We will send you health and smiles from Shibuya

Inquiries by telephone or fax to our company can be made at the following numbers.

Phone: 03-3498-1036

Fax: 03-3498-3023